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Michigan residents face hazardous weather conditions numerous times each year. 的se hazards range from strong winds to 大雪 to severe thunderstorms and tornadoes. It is important for people to know what hazards are possible so they can take the appropriate precautions.



Cell Phone and Non-Emergency: (248) 370-3331
Campus Status Hotline: (248) 370-2000
Hours of Operation: 24/7 Lobby and Communications


Severe thunderstorms are one of the greatest threats that Michigan residents face because they can develop rapidly causing abrupt changes to weather conditions. Severe thunderstorms can produce strong straight line winds over 60 mph, 大冰雹, 洪水的降雨, 频繁的闪电和龙卷风. Southeast Michigan averages 30 to 40 thunderstorm days per year with the most deaths and injuries resulting from straight line winds.

国家气象局 issues severe thunderstorm watches and 警告 so that the public can seek shelter before storms arrive. Watches are issued up to six hours before storms are expected while 警告 will be issued for a ten to sixty minute window when storms are imminent in the area. A severe thunderstorm warning is issued for hail larger than one inch in diameter or winds greater than 58 mph.

When a severe thunderstorm warning is in effect, seek shelter in a sturdy building away from windows. It is important to continue monitoring weather conditions even after a warning has been issued for upgrades to a tornado warning.


Michigan averages sixteen tornadoes per year with the greatest number of tornadoes occurring during the warm months from April to September. 龙卷风 are possible during any hour of the day or night and are even possible during the winter months under rare conditions. A tornado warning is issued when the Doppler radar indicates that rotation in a thunderstorm is descending towards the ground or when a reliable tornado report is received.

When a tornado warning is issued, take shelter immediately! 不要打电话给警察局. Wait in your designated shelter area through the duration of the warning.

During a tornado warning, individuals should take shelter in:

  • 的 first floor or basement of a multi-story building (if time permits safe access)
  • Individual floor shelter areas as designated by the tornado shelter signs (found on every floor of every building)
  • Keep away from glass windows and outside walls. 避开屋顶跨度较大的区域.


的 early outdoor warning system is activated when the 国家气象局 issues a tornado warning or there is potential for damaging winds at or greater than 70 miles per hour. All sirens are activated by the transmission of an RF signal with a tone alert. OU's system is capable of receiving activation signals transmitted by the Oakland County Homeland Security Division or, if necessary, the system can be activated manually by OU Police.

当系统被激活, a three-minute tone indicates a tornado has been sighted or strongly indicated on radar and/or storms with 70 mph or greater winds are in the area. Seek shelter immediately and listen to radio or television for more information. 的 system is designed to alert community members who are outside but individuals inside buildings may hear the siren if they are close to the siren location.

警报器通常在下午1点检测.m. on the first Saturday of each month during tornado season.

除了警笛的激活, OUPD will contact the following offices in the event of a severe weather/tornado warning:

  • 警察指挥人员 & 应急管理人员
  • University 住房 (administration during normal business hours; duty staff after hours)
  • 总统办公室
  • 设施管理-工作控制
  • 高尔夫球场
  • 体育运动
  • 洛瑞中心
  • 约翰·道奇屋
  • 集中供热设备
  • 草地溪厅

It is never safe to be outdoors during thunderstorms and it does not have to be raining to be struck by lightning. 开放的结构, such as picnic shelters or the Athletic Dome (AD) do not offer protection from severe weather.


Flooding is responsible for the most fatalities of any weather-related hazard nationwide. Rushing water can be extremely powerful and can wash out roads. A car may float in only six to twelve inches of water, causing a motorist to lose control of their vehicle. 不要在水覆盖的道路上开车.


Hazards threatening Michigan residents during the winter months include strong winds, 大雪, 危险的风寒, 极端寒冷, 以及当地河流上的冰塞. 的 国家气象局 issues watches, 警告, and advisories to alert the public to the threat of dangerous conditions.
